Alexia wears: Hat: F21, Denim + Bag: vintage, Dress: Fancy Treehouse , Flatforms: Deena & Ozzy (similiar here + want these )
Ripped tights aren't exactly dress code at my sometwhat corporate job, but a huge hole tore thru mines while in route to work on Wednesday morning + gosh darn it was way too cold to take them off! Ok, that's not exactly the whole truth but if anyone asked that was my story + I was sticking with it. I knew the hole was there but my dress somewhat barely covered it that morning. I didn't consider that it may stretch throughout the day. I wouldn't mind such a rip on any other day but at work it's like a HUGE eye sore! I stayed at my desk more than usual + prayed that my asymmetrical cardigan covered when I got up. No one mentioned it so I'm in the clear.
My dress is from Fancy Treehouse, a BLOG + STORE by the lovely Cory Combs! Please go visit!!